Tag: toys

Current Favorites: Toddler Toys (3.5 and 2 Years Old)

Current Favorites: Toddler Toys (3.5 and 2 Years Old)

And just like that, my babies are both big boys. I realize this is a relative term and they’re still very little, but it really feels like each month, they’re getting so much older and so much more able to do things on their own […]

Current Favorites: Toddler Toys (3 years and 18 months)

Current Favorites: Toddler Toys (3 years and 18 months)

Well, here we are. We’ve reached the point where Jacob is as old as TJ was when Jacob was born. It’s a very weird milestone for me mentally, since I remember thinking that TJ was such a big boy when I brought Jacob home, and […]

Current Favorites: Toddler Toys (2.5 years and 12 mos.)

Current Favorites: Toddler Toys (2.5 years and 12 mos.)

Well, I officially have two toddlers. Jacob is 12 months (yes, I know, that’s a year, but I’m still counting him in months), and TJ is 2-and-a-half. Since our boys are exactly 18 months apart, I knew there would come a day when their interests […]