Healthy Snacks for a Breastfeeding/Pumping Mama

Nursing hunger is real. Whether you’re breastfeeding, pumping, supplementing with formula, or any combination of those, your body is working extra hard to make all that milk and needs all the nourishment it can get, especially after growing and delivering a tiny human.

I’ve found through both of my breastfeeding journeys (more to come on those…) that I immediately crave carbs after a feeding or pumping session. The first time around, I wasn’t great about eating full meals (who is with a new baby?) so I found myself snacking a lot, and giving in to that carb craving. I basically lived on cinnamon raisin bagels…delicious, but not exactly the healthiest or most satisfying option. So, this time around, I am working to make sure I’m giving my body what it needs and keeping healthy and easy snacks stocked. I’m still eating cinnamon raisin bagels because it’s all about balance, but here are a few healthy and filling options that will help keep a nursing mama and baby happy!

Note: I have a really severe nut allergy so all of my options are nut-free, but, of course, nuts are also a healthy and easy option!

Tomato, Cucumber, Feta Bowls
These are so easy to prep ahead of time and either divide up into portions or just scoop from a big bowl for a snack or for lunch. Combine a pint of cherry tomatoes, 1-2 small cucumbers sliced, and about a cup of feta cheese. For dressing, I use 2 tbsp of olive oil, the juice from 1 lemon, 1/4 tsp of salt, 1/2 tsp of pepper, and 1/2 tsp of thyme. Mix it all together, and enjoy! It can sit in the fridge with the dressing on overnight, but you can also make the dressing separately and just pour on as much as you’d like to each bowl. Add some grilled chicken for more protein!

Tzatziki and Pita Chips
This is a great way to get the carbs and crunch cravings that nursing inevitably causes while still getting some protein in. We’ve been tzatziki lovers for a long time, but I’ve found myself snacking on it a lot since having Jacob. Extra points for this one because it’s an easy toddler snack too!

Turkey Roll-Ups
I cannot stomach meat while I’m pregnant. Like, at all. In any form. Thankfully, that resolves for me after delivery, but I still don’t love eating a ton of meat and I’m not a huge lunch person, so rolling up a few slices of turkey with cheese is an easy and portable snack.

Another toddler-approved snack for sharing. We love smoothies, especially in the summer, and they’re such a great way to get veggies in, plus those oats are great for milk supply. Here’s a favorite combination of ours, but you can really throw in anything!

  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup greek yogurt
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/4 cup frozen blueberries (you can also use fresh, we just always have frozen and they make it a little extra cold)
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/4 cup fresh spinach (can also use frozen, just use less)
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 ice cubes

Tim likes to joke that I eat like a toddler, and I definitely have an affinity for Cheerios but, again, easy to take along with you, packed with whole grains and oats for milk supply, and shareable with toddlers.

Happy snacking and feeding!
