5 Ideas for a Safe and Fun Halloween During the COVID-19 Pandemic

I’m so excited to team up with some of my favorite mamas for today’s post! We’re all in the midst of parenting small children during what has proven to be a year that none of us could have expected, and we all want to make Halloween as special and safe as possible for our kiddos. Be sure to check out Taylor, Whitney, Lauren, and Sarah‘s posts for more Halloween fun!

Let me start by being totally honest – Halloween has never been my favorite holiday. In fact, it’s never even been one of my top five favorite holidays. As not just a kid with a nut allergy, but the only kid I knew with a nut allergy, it was a little bit of a bummer of a holiday. I am also a giant baby. Like, I close my eyes during commercials for scary movies so forget actually watching a scary movie. Despite all of that, I have two boys who love all things pumpkins, ghosts, and Five Little Monsters Jumping on the Bed – ironic considering Jacob has an actual pumpkin allergy! That in combination with the fact that this year has highlighted the importance of quality time and proved that celebrations that look different than they have before are just as special means we are going to do our best to make this Halloween super memorable for our boys. Here are five ideas for a safe and fun Halloween at home!

1. Backyard Scavenger Hunt
This can easily be set up outside or in your home if the weather doesn’t cooperate! We are planning on using all the nooks and crannies in the boys’ playroom to hide Halloween-themed treats like stickers, temporary tattoos, and a new book. They can use their trick or treat baskets to find all the goodies, and not have a sugar rush – win for everyone!

2. Cup of Dirt
I have nothing but the fondest memories of this special and oh-so-easy dessert. To make a “cup of dirt”, start with a cup of chocolate pudding, top with crushed Oreos, and top with all the spooky decorations – gummy worms, candy eye balls, you name it! If you’re particularly creative, you can even use Vienna Finger wafers to make headstones…the world is your Halloween-y oyster!

3. Halloween movie night
This might be a bit of a stretch for kiddos as young as our boys, but boy do they love watching the Super Simple Songs Halloween playlist on repeat. For littles ones (read: Mamas) who are a bit too young for scary movies, It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown is on Netflix!

4. Decorate a backdrop for special Halloween photos
We’re going to miss out on the typical trick or treating photos this year, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make memorable photo memories of the boys in their costumes. Both of the boys are going to be astronauts so we are going to put some big poster board up on the wall, decorate it with all the planets, stars, sun, and moon stickers two toddlers could want, and take special photos….to infinity and beyond!

5. Handprint spiders
Ok, arts and crafts are not typically my specialty but this one is so easy! Paint your little ones’ hands with black paint, and place their handprints on a piece of paper one at a time. If you put their handprints with their fingers facing the outside edge of the paper and their wrists facing each other, it will look like a spider! Then you can use googly eyes, sparkly paint, cotton balls, all the crafting supplies your heart desires to decorate a scary (or not scary) Halloween spider.

Whatever your family’s Halloween celebrations look like this year, I hope you and your little ones have the best time and all the candy your belly could want! Be sure to Pin this post to share as well.